Sunday, August 19, 2007

WOC 2007 so far...

I'm not going to post heaps right now because its late! But I thought I'd just do a quick post to let you know that so far Chris has managed to qualify for both the sprint and the long distance! He has been running really well, along with the other kiwis (Ross qualified for the sprint yesterday, and Tanya qualified really well for the long today).

Here's a link to the results so far and here is a photo of Chris running the classic qualification today.

Ed and I did our first day of the WOC Tour today and had fun, we have found a group of kiwis and a South African girl who are all doing the WOC Tour so we have our own little competition going.

Chris sprained his ankle today, so we are not sure how he will go in the middle tommorrow, but fingers crossed. Ed and I are also running tommorrow, we also have a middle distance, and then a rest day on Tuesday when I hope to get more update with my blogging including some pictures and the news of how Chris is going. So stay tuned!!


Frances said...

Wonderful effort so far and we're keeping fingers crossed about that sprained ankle. Glad you're enjoying the 'spectator' events too. PAPO events will seem very tame when eventually you return!
Lots of people are reading your blog.

Shoeless Joe said...

Great to see the kiwis representing in the big races. We know you'd have done better chris in that long if your ankle was a hundee. sprint O to come but if that ankle isn't right there's always another day. Emil Wingsted had a shocker in the middle. Recon Ross might have helped set him right after he got lost?

NaC said...

What happened next?

Unknown said...

Read WOC 2007 entry to find out! And thanks for all your encouraging thoughts!